So what's with 365 Days of art?

It's all about inspiration and a love of creating something new everyday. From the smallest doodle to large art collages, I experiment with everything.
This week I go rough with space ships, doodled clouds, introduce a new family member and get my rainbow groove on.
I'm taking my tasks from the fabulous artist and art author Lorna Scobie.
Day 91
Task; What activities have you found most challenging so far?

Day 92
Task; Colour the grid
You could say I went completely off... grid with this one (do you get it? because the task is... you get it.) Anyhoo, I didn't want to colour in I wanted to doodle strange space ships, and creating is all about that. Embracing the pleasure of doing, if you want to draw a whole page of bananas, do it. There's already far too much responsibility in the average adult's life. Go rough once in a while and draw what the hell you want. For me that's sad space cowboys and I'm not sorry about that.

Day 93
Task; Draw a cloud.
No. I'm going to draw 16 of the little buggers! Something to think about when creating the same object over and over again to is experiment. play around with the shape, fill it with patterns, mix and match ideas, you'll surprise yourself.

Day 94
Task: What made you smile today?

We got a new family member today. Something finally smaller, (and going to stay that way) than me. My daughter’s new dwarf hamster. She was very excitable, both the mini human and the mini hamster! So I suppressed the dark part of my core and decide to draw something cute, happy and screw it, lets colour it in rainbow.
Day 95
Task: Fill the tree with birds.
Like the saying goes, 'A bird in the hand... will shit in it' or something to that effect. Not these birds though, these are the kind of wild creatures I can get on board with, ie, they're pretty, strange and entirely imagined. There is one I created modelled after myself, can you tell which one it is?
Pencil Case Supplies
Watercolour paper
A black ink pen (see tip)
Rainbow hue watercolours
A paintbrush
Colouring pencils
A sense of whimsy
Stage 1 Make yourself a brew, get yourself a nice little space and lay your paper out on a flat surface. A glass of water for the paints, a wad of tissue paper (for mistakes) and pull out those gorgeous rainbow colours. Paint your blobs. A squished diamond shape works well but don't stress too much this is a simple illustration. Leave a little space between each blob; the birds need to move and groove. Let the paints dry.

Stage 2
Adding character. Get your pen and doodle some cute little bird features. Copy mine or crack that egg of imagination and create some dashing little fellows of your own.

Stage 3
Colour in any tails, wings, plumage, whatever you created with the pen. I kept the colours the same for each bird, red for the red, yellow for yellow etc so the rainbow effect was strong, but colour-in as you like. Add patterns to the bird's bodies, polka dots, stripes, Einstein's theory of relativity equation, whatever you want.

A tree full of birds... There is one I created modelled after myself, can you tell which one it is?

That's it folks
... Join me next week when I get fruity, nosy and wrangle my brain into some memory drawing.
If you can't wait until next week for more art, here is where it all began. Week 1. I would love to see your arty creations so head on over to Twitter and tag the shit out me. I'm also technically on Instagram but the social norms there confuse me, like life really.